13.00h. Ringing of the church’s bells and rokets to announce the commencement of fiestas
17.00h. Arrival of the Festeros and Festeras accompanied by the Orba’s musical band followed
by a pelota match in Calle Mayor.
*Red Team: Màlia (Vall de Laguar) – Sacha (Orba) – Conillet (Orba) – German (Parcent) – Jordi
* Blue Team: Àngel (Murla) – Héctor (Vall de Laguar) – Giner (Murla) – Joan (Orba) – Marc
20.00h. FLOWER OFFERING by the Festeros and Festeras to the Virgin of the Homeless
organised by the “Comissió de la Mare de Déu” . Leaving from “la Creu” (opposite Electronic
21.30h. POPULAR DINNER organised by the Festeros 2020 in the main square.
00.00h. Music and dancing with the orchestra MONTECARLO.
Day of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
11.00h. The Festeros and Festeras will be collected from “la Creu” (opposite electronic shop)
12.00h. Holy mass in honour of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, accompanied by the Rectoria Choir.
20.30h. Descent of the Festeros and Festeras from “la Creu” to the church.
21.00h. Procession in honor of the Sacred Heart of Jesus followed by fireworks in the main
00.00h. Music and dancing in the square with the band LA PATO.
Day of The Virgin of the Homeless
08.0h. Rockets to awaken the announce the start of the day.
09.00h. Parades of the “Unió Musical d’Orba” through the streets.
09.30h. Morning Mass.
11.00h. The Festeros and Festeras will be collected from their houses.
12.00h. Holy mass in honor of the Virgin of the Homeless accompanied by the Orba Parish
Choir, followed by fireworks at the new square “Plaça de la Pilota” by the pyrotechnics
“RICASA” Ricardo Caballer.
20.00h. The Festeros and Festeras will be collected.
21.00h. Procession in honor of the Virgin of the Homeless, afterwards there will be a
marvellous espectacular fireworks display by “RICASA”Ricardo Caballer at the new square
(Plaça de la Pilota).
23.30h. Music Show by REVISTA ACOMPÁÑAME in the main square.
Day of the Immaculate Conception
11.00h. The Festeros and Festeras will be collected from their houses.
12.00h. Holy mass in honour of the Virgin of the Immaculate Conception, accompanied by
guitar teacher Vicent Mut and singing with Anna Bas. After mass there will be a procession.
Immediately after a rockets display.
18.00h. Fancy dress procession on floats (with prizes).
NOTE: The Commission will reserve the right to change/delete any one of the acts
programmed if for unforeseen causes had needed to do it.
It is prohibited for any person to be within a 30m radius of any of the fireworks displays.